Monday, 18th May
P's page 76
As we do in class, listen to the poem as many times as you need. Repeat after her. Try to do it as she does. Pronunciation is very important.
A.B. page 76
Ex. 9 and 10 (Practice your listening)
Tomorrow you will have a Socrative quizz about QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, YES/NO ANSWERS, so it's a good moment to play orally with ex. 13 (P's).
Have you got curly hair? Yes, I have.
Are you wearing a hat? No, I'm not.
Can you drive a lorry? Yes, I can
Tuesday, 19th May
P's page 77
Listen to LOCK AND KEY story and watch the video in your CDrom.
AB page 77
Learn these words following the instructions.
Wednesday, 20th May
P's page 78
You don't have to do any exercice in your notebook, I want you to read it and do A.B. page 78, ex. 1 and 2
Thursday, 21st May
P's page 79
Get your notebook and do exercices 3 and 4.
Then write your own recipe, an easy one. Use the sentences you have in the example.
When you finish it, MAKE A PHOTO AND SEND IT TO OUR MAIL. Rememember to write your classroom A, B or C, your name and RECIPE.
Friday, 22nd May
A.B. page 79, ex. 3
P's page 81. Get your notebook and answer to the quizz. You can look for the answer in your book.
A.B. page 81, ex. 4 and 5
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